Nail psoriasis the skin psoriasis of the head - causes, stages, treatment

Psoriasis is a noncommunicable chronic disease in most cases affects the skin (rarely – nail plates, the scalp). It seems excessively dry, red spots, slightly protruding above the surface of the skin (papules). Merge papules form plaques, which are a source of chronic inflammation.


Psoriasis, or not?

Answering the question, is psoriasis contagious or not, you must understand that the disease does not happen, neither sexually nor in the air, or contact with, or in any other way. To catch it is impossible.

Due to violation of the exfoliation process, dead skin flakes appear on the body, dry areas. The dying from them is impossible, but patients experience serious psychological discomfort because of the appearance.

The psoriasis causes

Still not exactly defined, that occurs in psoriasis. There are different theories of developing the disease. The experts tend to believe that the defeat of the skin the nails can also cause:

  • stress, negative emotional experiences;
  • endocrine pathology;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • the failure of the immune system, which violated the process of the growth of the division, the epithelial cells.

Autoimmune the cause of your psoriasis that the immune system cells, T-helpers and T-killers, usually responsible for protecting the body against tumor cells, pathogenic viruses, bacteria start to penetrate the upper layer of the skin. Here they produce substances that activate the inflammatory process. As a result, the skin cells begin to intensely divide, multiply. There is a proliferation of.

The development of psoriasis, or the joint action of several factors from the following list:

  • Very thin, poorly hydrated skin (sebum produced little).
  • Regular contact with irritating compositions – low quality cosmetics, alcohol solutions, detergents.
  • The too frequent washing of the body, hand (especially if it's hard, washcloth, anti-bacterial soap/shower gel).
  • The alcohol.
  • The development of infectious diseases caused by Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and fungi.
  • Taking anti-depressants, lithium carbonate, beta blockers, antimalarial and anticonvulsant drugs.
  • Change of the climatic zones.
  • The mechanical damage to the skin.
  • The tendency to allergic reactions.
  • The HIV-infection.

Classification of the disease

If you study various pictures of psoriasis in the initial stages, there will be noticeable differences – there are several varieties of this dermatological disease. Depending on the site of the damage:

  • Psoriasis of the scalp (manifesting itching, bleeding, skin).
  • Nail psoriasis (nail plate separated from bed gradually becomes painful, it formed red spots).
  • Palmar-plantar psoriasis (disease spread, only the feet and/or palms).
  • Skin, psoriasis (dry plaques that appear in the different parts of the body).
  • Psoriasis joint disorder (patients joints).
  • Genital psoriasis (a skin disease extends to the genital organs).

Clinical forms of psoriasis:

  1. Average or ordinary. Looks like a flat rose-red papules of small size, which slightly rise, healthy skin. At the top of the pimple is covered with light scales, which begin to decline even a light touch. If the psoriasis treatment started late, the small lesions was merged into the big one.
  2. Watery. More common in people with obesity, the insufficiency, the thyroid gland, diabetics. The psoriasis symptoms in the form of the following: papules the light color on top of them they become yellow-gray scales. Plaque conspicuous skin folds – armpits, the area under the Breasts in women. The patients complain of itching, burning sensation.
  3. Seborrheic. Psoriasis observed on the head, behind the ear, nasolabial folds, between the shoulder blades, the chest. The boundaries of the spots are not definite. Peeling silvery-yellow. If you look at the photos of psoriasis on the head, any connection with the common fungal disease, such as dandruff.
  4. Palmar-plantar. The disease occurs in people 30 years old to 50 years old, who work hard physical work. This form can be rashes on the body.
  5. Pustular. The organization developed pustular elements. The medication additional resources such pustular form of psoriasis Tsumbush. Idiopathic (primary) - appear on the skin, bubbles, transformirovalsya the blisters. Gennyhólyag opened, and then dry. Later characteristics to the disease scaly rash. And secondary benign. In this case, the blisters occur on the surface of a typical psoriatic plaques due to the irritant action of the drugs.
  6. Another type of pustular form of psoriasis Barbera. It only affects the soles, palms. The purchased skin purulent blisters. They don't reveal, turn your dry, dark brown. Psoriasis Barbera distinguishes symmetrical lesions.
  7. Joint disorder (arthritis). A severe form. Found in patients who have skin rashes. Usually occurs after five to six years after the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease, if the treatment of psoriasis was illiterate. Pathology of joints can be different, ranging from not severe joint pain, that do not lead to the changes in the joint device, the end of the deformation ankylosis (the joint is completely fixed).
  8. Erythroderma psoriatic arthritis,. Result of the ordinary or exudative psoriasis. It affects almost all the skin. Red, studded with a large number of dry scales. The body temperature rises, increasing the lymph nodes (especially the inguinal, femoral). If the patient does not know how to treat the psoriasis is possible hair loss, fragile nails.

Criteria according to the seasonal recurrence of psoriasis are divided into:

  • summer;
  • winter (most common);
  • uncertain.

The symptoms of psoriasis

The dominant symptoms of psoriasis depends on the treatment, so the first appointment, the doctor performs a thorough examination of the patient to thoroughly examine the localization of arthritis lesions.

Often the disease appears in the winter. The summer under the influence of the solar radiation, the signs of psoriasis even totally disappear. However, if the "summer" form of the disease, exposure to the sun, in fact, on the contrary, should be avoided. In the period of aggravation of the patients complain of very severe itching. The defeat of the nail plate observed in 25% of patients.

When the disease the hair is not involved in the pathological process. First, it starts to pull off the skin. Over time, areas of lesions can be "shifted" my neck, behind my ears. The inflammatory process due to the very rapid division of epithelial cells.

Psoriasis, on the palms, soles stratum corneum thickening covered with deep cracks. Photos of psoriasis in the initial stage shows, the blisters with clear content. Later they become white, then turn on the dark scars.

Like the nail, the most common two types of defeat:

  • The nail becomes covered with holes that look like track marks (type"thimble").
  • The nail changes color and starts to flake, that resembles a fungal disease. Through the nail plate changes arthritis pimple surrounded by a red rim.

Stages of psoriasis

Despite the fact that it's still a little debate about what psoriasis is, what can trigger its occurrence, the stage of the disease studied. Three of them:

  1. Progressive (primary). The surface of the skin growths appear in the form of the rash, which tends to increase on the periphery. They are applied to healthy skin in form of oval or rounded plaques. The spots are pink or red. Scaly crust on them, just white balance. Edges of the pocket, a little more concise. As a result, scratching and more rash.
  2. Stationary. Occurs one to four weeks after the first symptoms of psoriasis. Plaques will be clearer. New eruptions do not appear, the old, slowly soluble. Notes on the healing of papules in the direction from the center to the edge, so the form will be a circle. All of the surface healing of the lesions covered with white scales.
  3. Regression (damped). The color of the psoriasis plaques is almost indistinguishable from the healthy skin. Minimizes the itch. Around the centres formed a "collar Voronov", which is a ring thickness of keratinized layer of the skin. If the patient uses a quality ointment of psoriasis, the stage of the regression takes about a month. In the opposite case, the process of "attenuation" could be six months.

The task of the patient, who was diagnosed with psoriasis all the time, that the disease is asymptomatic.

If You experience similar symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. It is easier to prevent disease than to deal with the consequences.

How to diagnosis psoriasis


Diagnosis of psoriasis dermatologist. The procedure is based on an external audit, assessment of the skin, the nail, the study topic. No more tests, the visible symptoms could not be assigned. If the difficulty of the diagnosis, a sample of the skin an inflamed area (biopsy), which has been studied in the laboratory.

When the complaints of pain in the joints, the x-rays. Also designated is a blood test to make sure there are no other types of arthritis. Rule out fungal infection test is the use of potassium hydroxide.

How to cure psoriasis

The treatment of psoriasis is complex. This includes:

  • a common treatment;
  • local treatment;
  • physiotherapy.

Before deciding how to treat the psoriasis, the dermatologist will determine the stage of the disease or the clinical form distribution process. If you order drugs takes into account the patient's age and presence of comorbidities. Usually, first select the safe health drugs, characterized by minimal side effects. If they don't have the transition to the psoriasis the stage of the regression, the treatment is adjusted.

Systemic drugs psoriasis

The medication is taken orally, to help the moderate to severe stages of the psoriasis. These are the following:

  • Derivatives of vitamin A (retinoids). To reduce the epithelial cells maturation. Normalizes the differentiation and maturation of cells.
  • Immunosuppressants. Reduces the activity of T-lymphocytes, provoking increased cell division in the epidermis.
  • Drugs for the treatment of malignant tumors. Inhibit the reproduction, growth, skin abnormal cells.

Physical treatment of psoriasis

Physiotherapy can significantly improve the health of patients with psoriasis. In some cases, allows you to completely abandon the medication. The most commonly used:

  1. A selective light therapy. The affected skin is irradiated by UV rays of a wavelength of 280 to 320 are nm. Addressed 15 35 procedures.
  2. Photochemotherapy (PUVA therapy). The method includes the sharing of the photosensitizer in long-wave UV-radiation externally. The UV rays penetrate deep into the skin, the photosensitizer block to the process of the DNA synthesis of skin cells, reduce the speed class. Course duration – 20-30 procedures.
  3. Laser therapy. The applied laser radiation of different wavelength. Laser ensures the quick absorption of the plaque, prevent the formation of the place of the scars.
  4. The use of monochromatic ultraviolet radiation. All fireplace alternately process the tube/laser sources for the UV radiation. The healthy skin is not affected. The method is optimal, if the affected less than 10% of the skin. The duration of treatment from 15 to 30 seats.
  5. Electro sleep. It turns out that the soft effect of the electrical impulses of the brain 20-60 minutes. As a result, the patient calms down, normalizes the Central nervous system, psoriasis plaques start to dissolve.
  6. ULTRASONIC treatment. The mucosal swelling reducing, anti-itching and painkillers. Accelerate the absorption of the scarring. If necessary, can be combined with phonophoresis. To achieve the therapeutic effect, it is necessary to the conduct of 7-14 sessions.
  7. The magnetic therapy. There is a general revitalizing effect on the body. Reduces inflammation, reduces itching, and burning, helps relieve pain in the joints.
  8. The bee venom therapy. Use of the device, the electrophoresis or ultrasound in the body of the bee venom. It is characterized by the solution, and anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes the metabolic processes.
  9. Hyperthermia. Arthritis tissue heat pads with thermal compound, the temperature is 40 degrees. The treatment helps to improve the immune system, reduces the negative effects of the disease on the skin.

Diet psoriasis

Allowed foods in the exacerbation of psoriasis or:

  • fruits (apples, apricots, peaches);
  • fruit juices;
  • vegetables (carrot, potato, radish, watermelon, pumpkin);
  • green;
  • the berries (red);
  • lean meat (beef, veal, Turkey, rabbit) – 200 grams a day;
  • this peanut;
  • lean fish;
  • dairy products, cheese, cheese;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • seaweed.

The patients of psoriasis you can't eat:

  • smoked foods;
  • red fish;
  • animal fats;
  • eggs;
  • pork, duck meat;
  • muffin.

It is forbidden to drink coffee, soda, and liquor. It is desirable to limit the sugar consumption. To cleanse the body twice a week is recommended fasting day – vegetables, Apple, or kefir.