The most effective modern methods of psoriasis treatment

People who are diagnosed with psoriasis by a doctor after examination, most of the cases have certain difficulties in treatment, with no positive results. Only strict adherence to the systematic complex therapy prescribed by your doctor can help you here.

Psoriasis patches on the skin of the feet

Today, in medical practice, a lot of traditional and experimental methods for the treatment of this disease are used. Very little of this can completely save a person from pathology, but with the right approach, you can lead a full lifestyle for a long time, without causing physiological and cosmetic discomfort.

Reality of the disease

Psoriasis is a skin disease that turns chronic over a relatively short period of time.The pathology is characterized by the appearance and fairly rapid spread of numerous unpleasant pink and red bulging patches, covered with scales from completely dead skin.

Psoriasis is not contagious, so it cannot be passed from person to person.

The mechanism of action of the pathology is based on the fact that due to some malfunction in the body, in some areas of the dermis, the process of cell division is significantly accelerated. The connections between the cells are completely lost, which automatically causes the appearance of flakes.

The immune system naturally begins to react to such a phenomenon, which automatically leads to the emergence and development of the inflammatory process. Medicines prescribed by a doctor are aimed at completely stopping and stopping such processes.

The development of the disease usually begins on the surface of the scalp and begins to spread rapidly to all parts of the body.

The reasons for the development of psoriasis

Viruses can cause psoriasis

The exact cause of the onset and development of psoriasis has not been established. There are only a few hypothetical assumptions supported by the research. Here are some of the most important reasons:

  1. Free. According to many doctors, psoriasis can occur due to the development of an autoimmune malfunction in the body. The body's defense system recognizes the new cells as completely foreign and immediately causes them to be eliminated. A similar failure in the immune system is often observed after burns or other skin lesions.
  2. Hereditary. Statistically, psoriasis can be hereditary. If a person has such a gene, when certain provoking factors appear, the disease manifests itself immediately.
  3. Endocrine. Scientists believe that a violation of the natural process of cell reproduction may be the result of a violation of the common hormonal background. In normal women, at certain times of the standard cycle, different degrees of development of the pathology can be observed.
  4. Neurogenesis. This is one of the latest theories that have been put forward recently. According to this theory, the disease occurs for a specific psychological reason or against the background of neurosis. It impairs natural blood circulation and blood supply, constricting and thinning the walls of blood vessels.
  5. Famous. It has been shown that with this process or that infection, characteristic rashes can appear on the body. This theory is more conjecture than fundamental. The drugs used to completely stop the manifestations prove this quite clearly.
  6. General metabolic disorder. This is one of the main prerequisites for the appearance of various negative disorders in the general state of health of the whole organism. According to studies conducted, at this time, the patient has a slightly lower body temperature, high cholesterol in the blood. All this indicates a significant violation of natural metabolism.

When these factors are present, appropriate treatment and preventive measures should be instituted immediately.

Disease-causing factors

Along with the triggers listed above, there are a number of specific factors that predispose to the disease. Some situations that seriously increase the risk of disease include:

  • Experiencing stress often.
  • Many infections develop in the respiratory tract.
  • Long-term use of modern antibiotics.
  • Disruption in metabolism.
  • Hormonal disorder.
  • Abundance of fatty foods in the general diet.
  • Abuse of addictions.

The factors listed do not independently cause the disease, but can cause the appearance of characteristic patches. The more factors that are activated, the higher the risk of developing the disease. To solve the problem as efficiently and quickly as possible, it is important to use drugs that take into account such cases.

Main types of psoriasis

Different types of psoriasis

The general nature and severity of the rash vary widely. Based on these differences, the disease can be classified into specific types. Taking into account the factors and features of the localization of the disease, the following types of pathology can be distinguished:

  1. Plaque. This is the most common type of psoriasis and is characterized by the appearance of patches with gray scales;
  2. Teardrop-shaped. It develops much less often than the type presented above. The pathology is characterized by the formation of small red-pink protrusions. They are also covered with scales;
  3. Pustules. During the appearance of a similar form of the disease, small pustules begin to appear on the skin;
  4. Psoriasis on the feet and palms. With this variant of the pathology, the maximum concentration of rashes is localized in several parts of the body. This is a rather difficult disease to treat;
  5. Extreme. Scales with such a pathology are saturated with special secretions of yellow or white color, which gradually begin to stick together;
  6. Erythroderma. Most often, this pathology is the result of a rapid and rather rapid progression of the disease to a complex form. With such a pathology, almost the entire surface of the epidermis is covered with various patches and spots. During the exacerbation, the patient's lymph nodes become inflamed and the temperature rises.

When developing a treatment regimen, the doctor must necessarily rely on the type of disease to achieve optimal results during treatment.

The main symptoms of psoriasis

An experienced specialist should be contacted immediately when red patches appear, characterized by scaly scabs that fall off easily. In order not to confuse educational data with lichen, you should pay attention to some additional symptoms and characteristics of the array:

  • Scales are easily removed from the red color and in their structure resemble ordinary candle wax.
  • After removal of dead cells, membranes are formed, which are characterized as terminals.
  • With severe scratches, bleeding of varying intensities may occur.
  • As the disease progresses, completely new patches form on the injured areas. An almost unnoticeable belt can be observed around the formation.
  • With relatively severe growth options, the natural structure of the nails is significantly disrupted, they begin to peel.
  • There may be occasional joint pain and significant skin sensitivity.
  • In most cases, the disease is accompanied by intense itching. Psoriasis formations should not be combed. This will lead to disease progression and infection development.
  • There is some symmetry of the rash on the body.

If you have all of the above symptoms, you should see your doctor right away to get the right treatment plan.


Diagnostic scraping test to confirm psoriasis

For an accurate diagnosis, specialists conduct a mandatory imaging examination. The possibility of lichen growth is excluded and the type of plaque is determined in order to choose the optimal treatment option and prescribe the most effective modern drugs. In most cases, a scaling is done and the direction of the examination is given.

Competently developed and approved drug therapy can not only eliminate the bright manifestations of skin diseases, but also often have a positive effect.

Drug treatment

There is currently no treatment that can completely cure psoriasis. At the same time, there is a large number of drugs and a different procedural support plan that can prevent the development of pathology. The main thing is to get a comprehensive treatment regimen from an experienced doctor and strictly follow the therapy prescribed and recommended by the doctor.

Necessary external medicine

One of the main symptoms of this disease is the formation of patches on the body. Such formations are not only physiologically unpleasant, but also represent a rather unpleasant aesthetic and aesthetic defect. It is often difficult to hide it. Therefore, one of the important and indispensable components of the elimination of the disease is the therapeutic means used externally. Treatment without many modern gels, pastes, creams, sprays and ointments will not give satisfactory results.

Endocrine extrinsic agents

To treat or prevent the disease as much as possible, doctors use topical medications. We are talking about various medicinal preparations and ointments. During the development of primary therapy, hormonal drugs of different intensity of influence are prescribed.

Such drugs are called topical glucocorticosteroids by experts. The action of these drugs is based on the ability to synthesize drug analogues of the hormones produced by the adrenal glands. They suppress the overall immune system and reduce inflammation.

Means of such a plan quickly eliminate unpleasant itching and other symptoms of the disease. Medicines on this list should be consulted when absolutely necessary. The reason is that these drugs are characterized by serious side effects based on suppression of immune responses. In addition, the drugs in this category are addictive to a certain extent, on the basis of which it is necessary to continuously increase the previously established dosage.

Non-hormonal creams and ointments

No less effective are non-hormonal agents intended for external use. They contain the following ingredients:

  • Vitamin D;
  • Zinc is activated in a special way. It reduces inflammation, eliminates itching and various redness.

Ointment is characterized by a rather important advantage. The main thing is the possibility of minimal spending and longer exposure. The only contraindication is considered their application to weeping, slow-healing formations.

Creams of this type are optimal for all types and types of pathological formations. They are much easier to apply and do not require the use of protective tape, as they do not stain clothes.

If you need a scalp treatment, it's much easier if you use a spray bottle with a built-in topical applicator. These products do not leave a greasy residue and do not cause clumps to the hair.

Ointments for auxiliary purposes

Medicines are now quite popular, in the common ingredients there are common ringworm drugs and solidol drugs. Dermatologists prescribe products where each ingredient is present separately. Tar in cream form can be found in a separate version.

There are different adjuvants that are not of the hormonal type and differ in composition and nature of action. Here are some of the most popular and powerful categories:

  • Vehicle for external use only, made of zinc. Preparations containing active zinc are considered the most basic drugs for high-quality external therapy. Human skin is a special store of zinc. This metal deficiency can lead to a deterioration in the overall condition of the entire epidermal surface. Medicines made with zinc are very effective in the healing process of psoriasis and allow a much faster restoration of the skin's barrier functions. At the same time, the product reduces uncomfortable itching, body weakness and provides strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Ointment with ichthyol, Naftalan oil. These drugs are used in the treatment of various skin diseases. They are characterized by a particularly dominant emollient and absorbing effect. This is what contributes to the rapid healing of plaques and also reduces manifestations of inflammation. Preparations of this type are distinguished by a pungent odor, and some leave traces.Such drugs can cause unpleasant allergic reactions in patients.
  • Preparations are allowed to be made on asphalt. It is suggested that tar severely slows down the process of unnatural cell division, allows you to quickly exfoliate, which is characterized by a primarily anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. The disadvantage of black pepper is the pungent smell. It significantly complicates the use of conventional ointments. Long-term use of the drug can cause severe burns.
  • Moisturizing agent. Drugs in this category are considered to be largely auxiliary in the elimination of psoriasis. These drugs are ideal for eliminating epidermal dryness, which can not only be a consequence of pathology, but also a result of daily use of drugs and various medical procedures. If it is not possible to buy the above-mentioned medicines, you can replace them with high-quality vegetable oils and baby creams.
  • Modern Hydroxyanthrone. Such drugs significantly slow down unnecessary cell division. This allows you to effectively prevent the development and spread of formations, as well as reduce the activity of pathological effects. Such tools are very often produced in the form of special pencils. During application, it is important not to accidentally apply it to healthy, undamaged skin.
  • Plant products. We are talking about various infusions from medicinal plants. Calamus, hollyhock, nettle leaves and blackberry leaves are optimal for getting rid of psoriasis. The listed plants contain substances with unique healing and anti-inflammatory effects in general. Properly prepared infusions can be used as lotions or plaque lubricants. These drugs are usually perfectly tolerated by patients, but their overall effectiveness can be unpredictable.
  • Modern creams contain vitamins, which are made on derivatives of beneficial vitamin D3, as well as retinoids. Patients with similar skin diseases are advised to rest at resorts with high enough solar activity.
  • Horny medicine. They are used as a primary means for effective external use in getting rid of psoriasis. The main effect of the drug is to soften the upper crust of the plaques while accelerating their overall healing.

Without exception, all medications must be prescribed by a dermatologist. Self-medication not only may not bring about a positive therapeutic effect, but also leads to quite serious complications.

Injections and tablets

For the treatment of a different scheme of dermatological diseases in modern pharmaceuticals, there are various types of injections and tablets. Many types can have quite significant effects on the body. All drugs can be divided into several types of effects:

  • Rapid elimination of inflammatory foci;
  • Antihistamines;
  • Means to reduce immunity;
  • A drug prescribed to improve skin regeneration;
  • A drug used to reduce the proliferation of cellular factors. Such suppression of cells in the lesion leads to an automatic reduction of the lesion;
  • Revitalizer to improve cellular respiration. The drug is used exclusively by drip.

As a supplement, your doctor prescribes a different plan of adjuvant medications. They are aimed at improving the functioning of internal organs, significantly reducing side effects and promoting the restoration of the general surface of the skin. We are talking about vitamins, liver protectants and sorbents that are necessary to remove accumulated toxins.

When treating psoriasis with many drugs prescribed by the doctor, the patient may experience adverse reactions. Among them, the following are noted:

  • Allergic manifestations;
  • Headache;
  • A plan of various violations in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • CKD;
  • The appearance of herpes or stomatitis;
  • Reduce the body's immune force.

If such phenomena occur, you should change the prescribed medication to a gentler and more effective one.

Psoriasis injections and tablets should be prescribed exclusively by a qualified specialist after a thorough physical examination.

Vitamin supplements for psoriasis

In the complex treatment of this pathology, it is imperative to use various vitamins. Their main purpose is to regulate metabolism. The most effective and effective among them include:

  • Vitamin A - quickly restores skin elasticity, contributes to optimal regeneration and also significantly increases the protective functions of the skin;
  • Vitamin B1 - allows cells to efficiently assimilate fats and carbohydrates;
  • Supplement with vitamin B6 - capable of forming red blood cells. In addition, vitamins are responsible for the metabolism of proteins;
  • Vitamin B12. Allows you to efficiently assimilate proteins and also participate in the formation of red blood cells;
  • Common folic acid - directly responsible for the immune system and the circulatory system;
  • Vitamin E - promotes the rapid absorption of vitamin A.

These vitamin supplements do not require a prescription from a doctor. In pharmacies in modern cities you can easily buy any multivitamin at various prices. There are quite expensive drugs, and there are also more affordable ones.

Vitamin supplements to fight psoriasis

Children should not take these supplements, nor in case of individual intolerance.

Endocrine drugs

It seems that glucocorticosteroids, i. e. hormonal tablets, are no less effective than ointments and creams in this category. They are absorbed very quickly and immediately begin to act in relation to the suppression of immunity. In the process of effectively fighting diseases, oral tablets have the following positive effects:

  • Eliminate inflammation;
  • from itching;
  • Mute pain;
  • Remove eye bags;
  • Prevention of epidermal rejection.

In many patients, the drug is highly addictive and shortens the overall period of remission.

The dosage and regimen of hormone therapy are completely tailored to each person. They should be selected by an experienced dermatologist.

Shampoo for the treatment of psoriasis

To cure the manifestations of diseases under the scalp, you should use shampoos prescribed by a doctor. Among the best remedies for psoriasis patches on the body and on the head surface, the following types of similar preparations can be noted:

  1. Tar. Quickly soothes irritated and irritated skin.
  2. Modern antifungal agents. They cope effectively with a different plan and degree of development of fungal diseases.
  3. Healing shampoo. The majority of drug mixtures that are distinguished by optimal efficacy have zinc in their total composition. Such preparations have a unique antifungal and antibacterial effect on the body.
  4. Cosmetic products. They have a beneficial effect on the scalp. Dandruff is eliminated quickly enough after application and eliminates dryness.

Shampoo has no significant effect on patients with dermatophytosis. Therefore, they are used as an adjunct to the main form of treatment.

Folk remedies

Along with the main methods of eliminating skin pathologies, many doctors prescribe folk remedies. They must be consumed strictly after consulting your doctor. Among the most effective alternative treatments are:

  1. Healing with homemade ointments. To process, you need to take 200g of butter, put it in a pan on the stove right away. Then add 10 grams of propolis to the composition. The mixture was boiled for 15 minutes, then filtered. The resulting medication must be applied to painful areas two to three times a day;
  2. King tree. The powder of this plant is mixed with kerosene, taken in equal quantities. The mask is applied to the patches for about two to three days, after which it is completely removed from the surface of the epidermis. The interval between treatments is four full days;
  3. Broth or radish infusion. You will need to take a spoonful of the dried herb and pour a cup of boiling water over it. As an applied remedy, after an hour you can use a quarter glass of broth.

Folk remedies can have a positive effect at the initial stage of the development of the problem or, as an adjunct to complex therapy.

Hardware handling

Laser treatment for psoriasis

Disease treatment equipment uses various devices as an optimal auxiliary tool. Among the most effective options for exposure are:

  1. High quality hardware UV radiation. It is used simultaneously with the most effective drugs and separately from them. The drug can provide a unique antibacterial effect on the body, providing long-term remission of the disease and not at all reducing the body's defenses. UV treatment is a whole new way to fight this disease.
  2. Laser therapy. Such an effect will quickly relieve psoriasis plaques in a person, and for a rather long time. This tool can be used without the simultaneous use of drugs. Impact on lesions is performed exclusively on xenon and halogen.
  3. Effective cryotherapy. This process is based on the application of cold temperatures. A person is placed in a special chamber, where the temperature is below 100-110 degrees. In it, he must spend a few minutes, no more. As a result of this effect, the number of lesions in the patient is reduced, the itching is gone.

Physiotherapy, like psoriasis medications, is used exclusively on the recommendation of a doctor and strictly followed by the doctor's recommendations.


The best remedies for psoriasis are often chosen individually for each patient, that is, strictly on an individual basis. The treatment of this pathology must be approached comprehensively, using not only effective tablets, but also modern sprays and ointments. To achieve optimal results, you must strictly follow the recommendations of the attending physician, who will prescribe the treatment after a thorough examination.