Stages of psoriasis

Psoriasis is characterized by periods of remission and exacerbations. The process of dermatitis takes place in several stages: initial, progressive, stationary, receding. This separation will help in proper diagnosis and treatment.

Interesting thing to know

Psoriasis is an inherited disease. About 10% of the population has a characteristic DNA disorder, and only 2% of them show signs of skin dysfunction.

The following factors cause the appearance of pathology:

  • mental tension;
  • injury;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • infectious and other diseases;
  • certain drugs;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • an allergic predisposition;

Due to the wrong response of the immune system, the reaction to the epidermal tissues as foreign factors, the first signs of the disease appear. Consider the stage of psoriasis, its symptoms, and treatment regimen.

The first stage of psoriasis

Early stage of psoriasis

The first sign is thatappears pimples(papules). Round shape, reddish or pink in color. On the lower extremities, due to slow blood circulation, bluish manifestations may appear. Form a small papilla, about the size of a pin.

The first stage is characterized bymultiple noduleswith clear boundaries. White scales also appear. They easily separate from the surface by touching. The papillomas can merge into one, forming larger particles.

During the first period of remission, the lesions turned pale. Partially discolored skin areas affected. In children, this stage of psoriasis is often confused with manifestations of allergic disease or visceral disease. The rash can be accompanied by severe itching. Symptoms that can be used to diagnose psoriasis:

  • when scraping, the surface of the plaque becomes white, like a rubbed of stearin, scaly;
  • if you continue to scrape off the stain and remove the flake, a shiny red surface will appear;
  • when shaving will appear small drops of blood.

The advanced stage of psoriasis

During the advanced stage of psoriasis, the following symptoms appear:

  • The papules turn red, continue to be covered with white scales. They peel off easily, under them you can see a smooth, red skin. When injured, blood appears.
  • With exacerbations, papulomatous factors develop, merge. They differ clearly from healthy areas of skin.
  • Itching gets worse. But it goes through in transition to a stationary phase. Obsessive and annoying itchiness that hinders sleep and daily activities. If you just scratch the shell, new wounds and plaques will appear. The appearance of new plaques at the site of injury is Koebner syndrome. The number of symptoms of itching increases gradually, covering the whole body, limbs, head.
  • There are no scales at the edges of the plaque, they are congested, indicating a continuation of the inflammatory process.


Psoriasis can have a negative effect on joints (psoriatic arthritis). Then there is the intense pain in the joints, their deformation, if left to the process without treatment.

Static psoriasis

The main feature of the stationary phase of psoriasis is that new elements cease to emerge. The positive changes come with the right treatment.

Static stage of psoriasis

Clinical manifestations:

  • the itch disappears;
  • no injuries (Koebner symptom disappeared);
  • flaking may increase.

All development stops. If in the progression stage the contoured plaques are not scaly, then during the stationary stage the entire inflamed surface of the plaque will peel off, which will have the characteristic psoriatic appearance.

Scaly is characteristic of the last stage of the inflammatory process. At the onset of pathological development, the scales fail to keep up with the development of plaques and cannot fully cover. In half of cases,pseudo-corollaappears.

fake corolla

Looks like a bright rim around the element, has a rough tissue-like structure, consists of a layer of horns and no more than two millimeters wide.

The degenerative stage of psoriasis

During the depressive stage of psoriasis, the psoriasis cycle ends. Featured Features:

  • exacerbation stopped, inflammation stopped;
  • The
  • arrays gradually melt;
  • stops peeling, elements of the rash are smoothed;
  • rash becomes pale pink, gradually discolored;
  • The
  • papules may remain on the arm and elbow.

Does not leave any scars or atrophy of the affected area. Temporary hyperpigmentation or areas without pigmentation may occur at the site of the rash.

Remission occurred after complex therapy. Relief times are individual. The latent illness can last months or even years. Exacerbations are more common in winter, with the exception of some forms of psoriasis.

Treatment of psoriasis at different stages

Therapy for any form of psoriasis includes general and local treatment, physical therapy, and dietary adjustments. In the early stages of therapy, it is necessary to:

  • getting rid of bad habits;
  • strictly adhere to the therapeutic diet;
  • use ointments containing vitamins A, D3, hormones;
  • sedative and systemic use;
  • undergoes ultraviolet therapy.

If the patches are on the head, the doctor prescribes shampoos that contain tar, zinc, selenium sulfide.

All monies must be used as directed by a physician. Long-term use of medications (especially with ringworm) can cause skin irritation. Funds should be changed every 7 days.

Early treatment of psoriasis

The effectiveness of early interventions depends on when the patient is seen and started treatment.

Early treatment in most cases helps to prevent the disease from turning into a chronic form.

Experts recommend the use of salicylic acid ointment. It is an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drug that has a beneficial effect on the affected skin areas. With the help of a keratolytic effect, the ointment clears plaque from the keratinized parts of the skin. Naphthalene ointment will help relieve itching.

Commonly prescribed drugs:

  • based on tar;
  • is ​​based on solid oil;
  • oil-based.

Not long ago there were drops and oils for psoriasis. This tool has the ability to soothe, moisturize, prevent skin from drying out and reduce puffiness. This preparation contains ubiquinone, beta-carotene, beaver fat, propolis, pumpkin seed oil and other ingredients, with helping to reduce the amount of plaque, they become less, the skin is more hydrated. Should be used in conjunction with other drugs and after consulting a specialist.

Advanced treatment of psoriasis

Therapy must be comprehensive and careful. The clinical picture is quite difficult, the treatment should only be trusted by specialists. The patient is helped by intravenous and intramuscular administration of special drugs. Absorbents help to remove toxins from the body.

Expression of removal of salicylic acid ointment, emulsion emollients. They moisturize and reduce inflammation. During exacerbations, drugs with tar or other irritating ingredients should not be used.

Physiotherapeutic procedures (PUVA therapy, UV irradiation, paraffin application) are best performed during the inflammatory reduction phase. Corticosteroids and cytostatics are prescribed only when the process is particularly complex.

Prescribes antihistamines (reduces the development of allergic reactions), sedatives (soothing), anti-inflammatory drugs, keratolytics (emollients), diuretics (reduces swelling, remove toxins).

Static treatment of psoriasis

Patient needs a slight adjustment to therapy. Shampoos are often prescribed with tar, emulsion with oil, calcipotriol. Systemic therapy is used when the disease affects large areas of the eye. Ultraviolet irradiation and PUVA technique are widely used.

If that doesn't work, some cytotoxic drugs are prescribed. In some severe cases, patients are prescribed immunosuppressants, cytotastic.

Treatment of psoriasis in the regressive stage

Treatment in the late stages of psoriasis should be fully regulated by a specialist. Therapy was gradually canceled, replaced with preventive measures. Treatment at all stages is carried out with caution, in no case for the rash to be damaged.

Adherence to the most stringent diet and lifestyle modifications is of particular importance. Stress can be a powerful trigger that worsens the onset of a condition.

Combined with medicinal treatment, the itch on the hands can be treated by bathing with sea salt or mixing baby cream with moringa powder, lubricating the patches with this mixture.

Complementary therapies

Patients with psoriasis due to lack of vitamins affect the regulation of metabolism, have the effect of dialysis, sedation, restore health.

The vitamin complex must contain vitamin B, ascorbic acid, vitamin A, folic acid and others. They are prescribed internally, intramuscularly and also in droppers.

Dividing the pathology into different stages is a conditional measure that helps specialists accurately identify one stage or another, facilitating diagnosis and treatment. It is impossible to completely cure psoriasis, but must follow all the complex rules of treatment, with systemic precautions, the disease can be latent for a long time and does not affect lifeof a person.