Cure for psoriasis: best medication at home

The main feature of the treatment of psoriasis, to find the drug that helps to specifically. This have to give certain tests, analyses, and to consult a professional.


Type of medicines for psoriasis

All drugs against psoriasis can be divided into several larger groups. Can be used alone or in combination with other.

For example, a tablet can be used for internal use, then the cream or ointment be external effects. Thus significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment.

By 2017, the statistics, the patients with psoriasis the risk of being not in our favor, as the analysis of the disease this year showed a noticeable jump in the number of cases.

While the scientists will not find the real cause of psoriasis to develop the best, most effective against psoriasis, they won't.

But now the medicines list allows you to easily buy a powerful tool. It remains only to determine the doctor, which group drugs in conjunction with what methods help you the most effective.

Cure of psoriasis in the following format:

  • Cream;
  • Ointment;
  • Gel;
  • Spray;
  • Oil;
  • The homeopathic medicines;
  • Shampoo;
  • The patch.
  • Chinese medicine;
  • Tablets;
  • Injection.

About them to talk separately, in order to identify strengths, and perhaps weaknesses, of the drug.


  • Cream belonging to the group are the remedies for psoriasis, that the most effective effects;
  • The cream helps to get rid of the symptoms;
  • The main ingredient of the cream containing the active substance, oil, water, emulsifiers;
  • A small amount of fat helps the skin hydration, which is extremely important for the psoriasis;
  • One of the best creams, the drugs, the vitamin D, which in combination with ultraviolet radiation it quickly eliminates all forms of psoriasis;


  • The main advantage of the hormonal ointments — rapid cessation of symptoms to effective treatment. The hormones to provoke certain side effects, or addictive;
  • The most popular type of ointments for psoriasis non-hormonal group;


  • The gel helps to eliminate the symptoms of psoriasis to cope with the external manifestations of the easy, medium stages;
  • Gel is versatile, targeted action;
  • Depending on the type of gel, applied topically, or taken orally;
  • The main task of the oral gel — get rid of the body of harmful substances, toxins;
  • The gel does not act as a cure for psoriasis, i.e., used as the only means to combat the disease, as not. But, as an ancillary drug significantly increases the effectiveness of other drugs.


  • Quite new direction in the treatment and prevention of psoriasis the application of the spray;
  • Spray most recommended the remission;
  • The task of the sprays for the psoriasis is to take care of the affected skin during the treatment;
  • The spray does not contain the composition, and hormones, which makes them totally safe;
  • Main functions relieving inflammation, itching, antiseptic and moisturizing effect;


  • Oil is not a new word in medicine, especially in the treatment of psoriasis;
  • The oil is widely used in medicine for various skin conditions;
  • The main disadvantage is that the oil is likely to have an allergic reaction because of the plant origin;
  • All oils used as medicine, are divided into food, basic;
  • The most effective essential oil-based Jasmine, cedar, chamomile, mint, tea-tree;
  • Reviews show that the sea buckthorn oil helps to eliminate the inflammation, relieve the irritation and accelerates the regeneration of the skin;
  • As a culinary oil in the treatment of psoriasis at home the burdock, linseed, olive.


  • The patient is often faced with the meeting with the doctor, homeopathic remedies;
  • An important feature of homeopathy is that this type of treatment can also be ordered at various stages of the disease;
  • The essence of homeopathy lies in the cumulative effect, strengthen the human immunity;
  • Compared to a lot of hormonal medicines, homeopathic drugs are completely natural ingredients;
  • This allows the meeting to such medicines for children, pregnant;
  • The homeopathic medicines are acceptable, even in the period of breastfeeding;
  • The type, method of taking homeopathic medicines as specified by doctor after certain surveys, analyses.


the treatment of psoriasis

The shampoo is an effective drug in the treatment of psoriasis of the scalp. The experts noted the important role of shampoo to get rid of the symptoms, but is a consequence of the disease.

Shampoos are divided into main groups:

  • Tar;
  • Antifungal;
  • Medical;
  • Cosmetic;
  • The children.


Get rid of psoriasis at home actively started to use the new medicine is a band-aid.

The essence of the application is very simple:

  1. First, remove the protective foil from the patch.
  2. The earlier it is recommended to treat the affected area with warm water, flushing contamination is possible.
  3. Stick to the patch.
  4. The expiry period specified instructions, the plaster should be removed.
  5. During the day the procedure is repeated several times.

Spots, easy to use, they show good efficiency. This is due to the coupling plate, special medicinal ingredients.


  • Pills, injections refer to medications increased action. The efficiency, undoubtedly;
  • If this is the treatment of psoriasis in the form of tablets or injections just to order the correct doctor;
  • Shopping and self-medication is strongly advised against. It's not worth it to risk your health.

It is better to consult a doctor about appropriate treatment of psoriasis using proven effective drugs.