Psoriasis of the scalp

The development of disease can vary from isolated plaques to a few, including the defeat of the entire scalp. In addition, the progresses further psoriasis on the face, that the skin of the forehead, spreading to the back, the neck, the ears.

psoriasis on the head

According to the statistical research, psoriasis affects 5.7 million people, around the world, approximately 4% of the population with the unpleasant dermatological pathology. The naturalization process is different, but often the scalp is the only area of the body where the symptoms of psoriasis (typically more than 50% of the clinical cases).

Causes of psoriasis scalp

The origin, causes of hair psoriasis, like other type of disease not yet fully understood. According to the American Academy of dermatology, the debut of the pathological process occurs because of the violation of the functioning of the human immune system.

According to this theory, the body of the patient that occurs in an autoimmune process in which the tissues of the skin increases the concentration of T-lymphocytes — cells play an important role in the immune response. The accumulation results in a continuous inflammatory process, which is manifested by thickening of the skin and the appearance of scaly formations.

The reference! An autoimmune process, a phenomenon in which a person's immune system cause damage in the body, are not protected.

I don't proper functioning of the immune system caused by many triggers, not directly cause disease, but at a certain value. Background causes of psoriasis of the scalp following:

  • The heredity plays an important role in the chain of the development of the pathological process: it is considered that the risk of onset of psoriasis dramatically the presence of the disease, at least a close relative. This claim could not be accepted by all professionals, but we are still negotiating.
  • The stress. Emotional experiences can strengthen the immune system disorder that manifests itself in a more severe course of psoriasis, or the debut of a licence.
  • Use of the drug. It is believed that some medicines may affect the development process; in particular, reported that the side effect of indomethacin. The drug is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and recommended for the treatment of arthritis. Furthermore, the report of the provocation of pathology quinidine, which is used in the cardiology as a antiarrhythmic drug.
  • Other factors that can lead to the development of pathology in predisposed individuals: burns, injuries, different types, sore throat and other.

Diagnosis of hair psoriasis

Person decided to go to the doctor often depends on the severity of symptoms: some patients are ashamed of disease, or you just don't feel the need to waste your time, stay in the health institutions, especially for mild symptoms.

The experts strongly recommend that you consult a dermatologist if a rash anywhere, anytime. The treatment usually depends on the cause of the lesions, hence the need for the timely, accurate diagnosis, even if the symptoms of the pathological process is weak.

In many cases, psoriasis of the scalp diagnosed by physical examination, tests, medical history and the patient's life. Professionals can diagnose the disease simply learning the rash. In certain cases, it is recommended that a blood test, the biopsy, the differential diagnosis of other skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, etc.).

Although the repeated psoriasis can occur regularly, usually a pathologist is not considered serious, it is important to follow medical advice time to seek the necessary treatment.

The symptoms first signs of psoriasis in the head

the symptoms of psoriasis

Hair psoriasis is often mild, of course, practically invisible. Signs of the psoriasis, the head of the individual, therefore, some patients with severe progression of the disease, which includes ulcers of the long duration of the disease. Intense itching causes sleep disorders, hard scratching leads to infection of the skin, hair loss.

How does psoriasis head? Mild degrees of the disease less severe symptoms: it was a good point rash, it almost does not cause the patient any discomfort.

Moderate or severe degree includes the following symptoms of the disease signs:

  • Rocky, uneven spots red-purple hue.
  • The dry scalp.
  • It seems, flaking, similar to dandruff.
  • Unbearable itching.
  • Burning pain in the area of the rash.
  • Bleeding scratching or removing flakes.
  • Temporary hair loss.

If the patient has a history of psoriasis, the head of the above symptoms, it is for this reason, repeated treatment, to the dermatologist.

Please note! In itself, the psoriasis does not cause hair loss; this leads to intense scratching, and stress. The hair growth continues after the cleaning.

Stage the hair psoriasis

The pathological process occurs spontaneously and in waves, including the passage of several stages of the disease:

  1. Phase progression. Observed, but the onset of the disease, and recurrence. It occurs in the form of appearance of new lesions on the skin, which may merge together, which is a more extensive involvement of the skin of the pathological process. The arthritis lesions observed peeling.
  2. Phase preservation. This section means that the safety of the process, however, new lesions are not observed. During this period, the "muted" growth of plaques and is not marked rim around the dermal elements. This phase usually serves as an indicator of successfully matched the treatment.
  3. Phase regression. Decreased the amount of rainfall determines the effectiveness of the therapy. This stage is characterized by the appearance of the rim Voronov — wrinkles the skin around the psoriatic plaque. At the same time, the peeling gradually disappears, and location of the plaques in the form of whitish spots.

Treatment for psoriasis of the scalp

the treatment of psoriasis

How to treat psoriasis on the head? The first line of defense is a therapy, which is directly on your skin: medicated shampoos, creams, gels, oils, ointments, and Soaps.

Among the OTC medications approved by management sanitary inspection behind quality of the food, drugs (FDA), the most popular:

  • Source on the basis of salicylic acid. Salicylic acid's anti-inflammatory effect, is effective in removing flaky outer layers and softening the skin. The downside is that the local irritation and weakening the hair, which is broken.
  • Coal tar. The effect is based on slowing the growth of skin cells to restore the normal. Resin also reduces the itching, inflammation.

In some cases, the psoriasis on the head treatment is given an injection of a steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, the abnormal areas of the skin. Often such treatment is essential, if mild course of disease is.

The fight against the psoriasis scalp help light therapy, in which the laser or other light source. For example, the excimer laser focuses high-intensity radiation to the affected areas; and should avoid contact with the healthy skin. The ultraviolet radiation is used to treat only the scalp. In the case of short hair, it is recommended that only a short period under the natural sunlight.

The course of the disease prevention

Unfortunately, causal therapy (i.e., the goal of treatment is to cause of the disease) does not exist. However, symptomatic treatment, physiotherapy allows you to eliminate the unwanted symptoms of the disease, to control the repeated episodes and to prevent relapse of psoriasis.

The disease in most cases favorable, leads to serious problems. However, the long-standing psoriasis in the head with the advent of the "fresh" evidence that the reason that the treatment health institutions.

Because at this time the scientific studies that could establish cause of the disease, dysfunction of the immune system in general, not to formulate the psoriasis in predisposed individuals is difficult. Professionals have no clear answer to the question how to heal psoriasis on the head. However, the symptomatic treatment allows you to avoid the spread, progression of the process.

People suffering from receiving the scalp to avail themselves of the certain guidelines and tips, which occurs due to the relapse prevention condition:

  1. Immediately seek the advice of, a dermatologist, and the required treatment. Ointments or oral medications allows not only to avoid the progress of the disease, but also improve the quality of life, reduce the rash, itching.
  2. Treating the scalp soft: avoid the powerful wash your hair, than the may be the breakage, hair loss.
  3. Don't scratch it. Scratches can trigger the development of bleeding, or infection.
  4. Consult a counselor or join a group, if the appearances feel a permanent psychological discomfort.
  5. Timely moisture is a pretty popular method. You don't cure psoriasis, but will improve the condition, appearance of the skin.
  6. Avoid the known triggers. Determine how often provokes relapse, and then try not to let these factors of life.