Psoriasis: the initial stage

The earlier people realize that the psoriasis, and then start the appropriate treatment, the greater the chance that the disease does not run in the form. To accurately determine the symptoms of the skin disease, you should know how it works in the initial stages of psoriasis. The disease is characteristic, showing at a glance the diagnosis. More about them you can from the article: below are not the only symptom descriptions, but a photo of the initial stages of the psoriasis.

How to start a psoriasis what is it the disease

The psoriasis the skin disease of inflammatory nature, which is impossible to cure. Once faced with the disease, a person becomes the victim for life.

The disease develops because of inadequate immune response in the organisation's various internal and external stimuli. The causes of psoriasis include injury to the skin, the violation of metabolic processes in the body, weak immune system, strong cooling, as well as a number of other reasons.

The symptoms of psoriasis can be easily confused by the different dermatitis, because many skin diseases are accompanied by the appearance of red rash on body that itchy flakes. In order to differentiate the disease on the other, it is important to find out how it works psoriasis in the initial stages.

In the initial stages of psoriasis

The first stage of the psoriasis is accompanied by the formation of the different parts of the body arthritis lesions, one or more characters. The body, arms, legs, face, characterized by red or pink patches, often with clearly defined boundaries. The boundaries can be seen on photos of psoriasis in this article.

How does the psoriasis

Many patients care about how to distinguish between psoriasis of the diseases such as diathesis, allergic? The answer to this question exactly impossible. The main distinctive feature is the location of the lesions. Arthritis plaque, in most cases, it seems, the areas of the body, unusual allergic skin rash. Psoriasis affects sites exposed to mechanical friction, for example, clothes, shoes.

In order to understand the effect of psoriasis, you need to study in detail the developmental stage of the pathology.

The stage of development of psoriasis

The disease is characterized by chronic course, which includes the periods of the symptoms of exacerbation and remission. To decrease the manifestations of psoriasis usually occurs in the warm season, under the influence of sunlight. In the winter, late fall, early spring, the symptoms worsen.

Three stages of the disease:

  • Progressive (primary) stage of psoriasis is manifested as the typical rash of reddish-pink appear on the skin. At the beginning of the disease, the rash is small, the diameter of several millimeters, but the progression of the disease lesion area increases due to the merging of separate lesions in a great spot. As a result, formed the so-called psoriatic plaques which are areas rounded lesions, warm to the touch, slightly raised above the healthy skin. Around the affected areas, it may be reddened, inflamed areas. Rash, itching, accompanied. Varying intensity, in all cases: some patients hardly suffer from the itching, while other skin, psoriasis itching. Then begins the peeling of the affected areas.
  • After going stage begins a period of relative stability. New eruptions do not appear, the old, dry, itching is reduced.
  • The final deadline reduction in the number of lesions. The affected areas gradually separated earlier formed crust, or plaque (depending on the variety of psoriasis), revealing a layer of smooth, pink skin. In some cases, the site of the former lesions remain depigmented spots.

The symptoms early stages of psoriasis

The first signs of the disease depend on the different disease. Below we look at how to recognize the psoriasis at the initial stage for the different cases.

  • Pustular (exudative). In the initial stage of psoriasis, this type is characterized by the appearance of the skin, little bubbles or blisters full of clear or yellowish liquid. The disease usually begins suddenly, in some cases, the first signs of the disease can occur even within a few hours. Eruptions are accompanied by local fever, headache, weakness, nausea. Blisters may itch, but combing them is not recommended. If the bubble is open, the cavity may be infected, which can lead to inflammation, suppuration. In addition, the location, the scratch may remain unsightly scars. The development of the disease the number of lesions increases, the individual bubbles merge into large "ponds", the skin around them is very red, and warm. Over time, the blisters break, the place formed a dry crust of red, pink, or white.
  • Vulgaris (plaque, normal, average). This is the most common type of psoriasis. The first degree is easy to recognize: the skin appears rounded reddish areas slightly raised above the healthy skin. The external contour of these lesions are well shown: the red color is due to the inflammatory process, which began around the rash. The diameter of the lesions in the initial stage may vary from 1 to several cm over time they increase in size, merge with the adjacent areas of the lesions which are called psoriatic plaques. Gradually the surface of plaques characteristic of plaque white or gray, resembling melted wax. Thanks to this analogy psoriatic plaques called "paraffin ponds". The plaque is a loose structure, easy to fall off, revealing a smooth under the skin red or pink. The further procedure it starts to drop bleeding (this is the so-called phase of the "blood dew"). The development of the disease spots, psoriasis, dry up, eventually disappear. Below you can see red or depigmented spots on the skin.
  • Drip (teardrop-shaped). This is the second most common (vulgar) type of the disease. In the initial stages of the psoriasis guttate type is characterized by the appearance of the patient's body small (1-3 mm in diameter) lesions papules. They're like the red drops. The first number of the papules, the size should not cause concern. However, since the progression of the disease, the rash becomes more and more time they can cover almost all of the body. Changes in the size of the papules: if you have the disease early stages, with a diameter of 1-3 mm, then after a while they merge into one big spot size up to 10 cm during the initial stage of the drop-type psoriasis papules usually are not inflamed, however, if they scratch, you can get infected: this leads to inflammation, suppuration. Since the progression of the disease the papules dry, the peaks formed by dry white flakes.
  • Seborrheic psoriasis scalp. The defeat exposed the head, forehead, neck, the neck area, the ear. The main symptoms in the initial stages of psoriasis of the scalp the appearance of oily white or yellow scales, similar to dandruff. The skin is scaly, itchy, scratchy, the area around the flaky, red, inflamed. In some cases, the appearance of purulent crusts. Advanced stage of the disease can cause great physical and emotional discomfort. The hair, the patient usually does not affect: they don't fall out the same rate of growth that was observed before the disease. The defeat exposed only to the skin, the scalp.
  • Palmar-plantar. This type of psoriasis affects the palms, fingers of hands, soles of the patient. The rash may be presented as the pustules, infiltrated plaques. While the rest of the body, the patient is generally not suffer from arthritis rash. It is characteristic, that in the initial stages of psoriasis of the hands and feet – the presence of rough, dry, balance sheet, according to which the reddish-pink skin is prone to bleeding. Furthermore, the disease is at an early stage is often accompanied by the formation of deep, painful cracks.
  • Psoriasis of the nail plate. In the initial stages of this type of the disease is characterized by the appearance of the nail plate dimples, grooves, and the gradual thickening of the nail, the small point-like hemorrhages under the nail plate, change the color to white, or yellow. The skin around the nail often becomes red and inflamed. Another version of the disease – the gradual separation of the nail, the nail bed.
  • Psoriatic Arthritis. The disease can affect not only the skin but also the joints. Most often the initial stage of the disease manifests itself after the first signs of psoriasis the skin. Joints change shape, the bending means will be painful, the problems.
  • Psoriasis mucous membranes. After the skin lesion, the disease can move to the mucous membranes. Most often, the defeat exposed to the inner surface of the face, genitals. To know that in the initial stages of arthritis, lesions of mucous membranes possible the appearance of them, that the white crusts surrounded by a red, inflamed areas.

Psoriasis in children: initial phase

psoriasis in children

The risk of the disease in infants, because the parents, even some doctors think that the symptoms of symptoms of simple allergies or atopic dermatitis. Then the characteristic of psoriasis, the children in the picture. The initial stage of the disease is somewhat different from the adult version of the disease appears first in the skin, wrinkles, accompanied by maceration, the szaruréteg the skin.

The initial phase of psoriasis treatment

It is important that you know exactly how to handle the initial stage of psoriasis, the face, the elbow, the head, other parts of the body, to prevent the progression of the disease. Depending on the type, location, intensity of lesions the doctor will recommend the use of corticosteroids, sedative, protivozudnam drugs. Also used the creams, ointments, sprays. The task is to soften the noodles psoriasis, to nourish dry skin and fight inflammation.

Is there a cure for psoriasis in the initial stages of the home folk remedies?

the treatment early stages of psoriasis

If the disease is in the early stages, the treatment of folk ways you the positive results. However, in all cases, you need to consult with your doctor about what safety means.

In general, the treatment of psoriasis in the initial stages of the home use birch tar, propolis, baking soda, fruit juice, celandine, decoction of herbs. The positive effect of the natural oils – sea buckthorn, olive, sunflower. You can also use the essential oils – lavender, rosemary, tea tree. Since the treatments, bath, lotion, compresses, rinsing, and homemade ointments, creams.