Treatment for penis psoriasis

Psoriasis of the genital organs is not uncommon, similar to women and men. Characteristic of this disease, lesion not only affects the genital area, but also the skin on other parts of the body (groin, the stomach, the close-anor with area, buttocks, etc.). this files most often patients start treatment in the late stages of the disease when it becomes severe, but not amenable to local treatment.

genital psoriasis

Rash is usually pink, red shades, stand out slightly above the skin level, round-shaped, silver-tone plaque, erythrematous basis. The spots with an approximate diameter of 0.5-2 cm. In such cases, the itching may not bother people, but the appearance of foci creates an unpleasant image. In general, the disease diagnosis is not difficult, as the platelets are parallel, and other parts of the body.

The causes of the disease

The disease occurs as a result of such reasons:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • disorders of the immune system;
  • nervous shock;
  • pathology of organs located in the pelvic;
  • defects of the sex organs, the hormonal balance.

Very often the papules appear in the genital area for the reason that the patient had a similar rash on the body, but I don't go to the doctor, do not take measures to treatment of the disease.

Psoriasis on the genital is not transmitted in one partner to another through intimate contact or airborne droplets, through your daily life. This is a chronic process, which is not of infectious origin.

Genital psoriasis women

The labia psoriasis is very common that the women and the vulva, this disease is a part of extensive psoriasis. The first symptoms appear in adolescence, when the hormonal changes in the body. Also part of the disease, pregnancy, lactation, menopause, menopause – again due to hormonal fluctuations. Often women confuse similar suffering sexually transmitted diseases, self-healing. The lost time was not willing to accept the treatment to the dermatologist can lead to a significant deterioration of health status.

The woman half of the patients with arthritis inflammation can occur:

  • between the buttocks;
  • under the Breast;
  • in the armpits.
Genital psoriasis women

Also psoriasis in women manifests itself in the groin, where in a chaotic manner or pinkish papules with silvery-white scales. Psoriatic plaques are located in the pubic bone, big and small labia, the vaginal mucous membrane. Psoriasis symptoms similar to vulvitis, but accurate diagnosis can only experienced dermatologist.

Genital psoriasis men

Psoriasis of the genital organs, men are manifested in the form of rashes on the penis (especially the glans which the foreskin), the groin, pubic bone. The skin is reddish spots that rise slightly above the surface, and covered with a whitish-silvery scaly layer. These symptoms are similar to the manifestation of the classical balanoposthitis, what most often confuse genital psoriasis men. Since the practice of medicine, arthritis rash in intimate places is not the only manifestation of the disease. Papules cover, and other parts of the body including the stomach, back, arms, legs, etc.

The psoriasis in the groin, the treated men overall, the local drugs, as well as the internal radiation load. If the young man was diagnosed with the disease, sexually transmitted infections, can lead to intimate life, but the means of contraception (to avoid possible infection to your partner during the treatment of psoriasis).

Genital psoriasis men

Treatment arthritis lesions of the genital organs in men and women

The psoriasis treatment of the intimate places you need a drug that will prescribe a dermatologist. You may need the help of a urologist (men) or gynecologist (women), especially if the patient's concomitant diseases, sexually transmitted. The men and women of principle in the treatment of inflammation, arthritis similar. So, if the disease is manifested in the light, to the creams, ointments, gels. The heavy flow of the assigned sources of internal revenue.

Very often psoriasis of the genitals goes to the close-alan area, against which may develop, hemorrhoids, worm infection, inflammation of mucous membranes, of infectious origin. The presence of these concomitant diseases may complicate the process of treatment of penis psoriasis.

Before the psoriasis treatment the genitals, you need to diagnose a dermatologist. May need to consult a gynecologist or urologist.

Diagnostic methods men and women are similar:

  • General examination of the genital organs;
  • sampling of the skin for laboratory examination;
  • General clinical analysis of blood;
  • further filtering to exclude viruses challengers transmitted sexually.

The main methods of treatment are the following:

  • the ointments use for external use (corticosteroid preparations, ointments based on tar);
  • of course, the drugs are taken orally (immunodepressants, immunomodulators, retinoids, drugs vitamin D, antibiotics);
  • antifungals to prevent the parallel development of bacterial, fungal infections of the genital organs.

As physical therapy is actively used in the exposure of the genitals to ultraviolet light, low frequency laser.

The traditional medicine, patients often use the salt bath, fomentation of the decoction of bay leaves with lubrication, the genital organs tincture Golden mustache.

Appropriate, comprehensive treatment of the psoriasis, the genitals of men and women in the period of remission lasts, the more months, more years old.